Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Ch. 1. Colonial and Early American Responses to the Wilderness
  • Ch. 2. Emerson, Thoreau, and Environmental Reform
  • Ch. 3. George Perkins Marsh and the Harmonies of Nature
  • Ch. 4. As the Angels Have Departed: John Burroughs and the Religion of Nature
  • Ch. 5. God of the Mountains: The Rhetoric and Religion of John Muir
  • Ch. 6. Days of Wasteful Plenty Are Over: Theodore Roosevelt and His Environmental Legacies
  • Ch. 7. Alone in a World of Wounds: The Question of Audience in A Sand County Almanac
  • Ch. 8. New Environmentalism and Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
  • Ch. 9. Monkey Wrenching, Environmental Extremism, and the Problematical Edward Abbey.