Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Discipline and freedom / Amanda Anderson and Joseph Valente
  • Literary study and the modern system of the disciplines / John Guillory
  • Disciplinarity and radicality: quantum theory and nonclassical thought at the Fin de Siecle, and as philosophy of the future / Arkady Plotnitsky
  • How economics became a science: a surprising career of a model discipline / Liah Greenfeld
  • Professional status and the moral order / Henrika Kuklick
  • Durkheim, disciplinarity, and the "sciences religieuses" / Ivan Strenski
  • Subjecting English and the question of representation / Gauri Viswanathan
  • Dying twice: Victorian theories of dejà vu / Athena Vrettos
  • Oscar Wilde, Erving Goffman, and the social body beautiful / Jeff Nunokawa
  • Character and pastorship in two British "sociological" traditions: organized charity, Fabian socialism, and the invention of new liberalism / Lauren M.E. Goodlad
  • Victorian continuities: early British sociology and the welfare of the state / Simon Joyce
  • The Arnoldian ideal, or culture studies and the problem of nothingness / Christopher Lane
  • Notes on the defenestration of culture / James Buzard.