Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. Researching the rise of religious offence in South Asia / Paul Rollier, Kathinka Froystad, Arild Engelsen Ruud
  • 'We're all blasphemers' : the life of religious offence in Pakistan / Paul Rollier
  • The rise of religious offence in transitional Myanmar / Iselin Frydenlund
  • Religious outrage as spectacle : the successful protests against a 'blasphemous' minister / Arild Engelsen Ruud
  • Affective digital images : Shiva in the Kaaba and the smartphone revolution / Kathinka Froystad
  • 'Durga did not kill Mahishasur' : Hindus, Adivasis and Hindutva / Moumita Sen
  • The languages of truth : saints, judges and the fraudulent in a Pakistani court / Asad Ali Ahmed
  • Blasphemy and the appropriation of vigilante justice in 'hagiohistoric' writing in Pakistan / Jürgen Schaflechner
  • Afterword. On the efficacy of 'blasphemy' / Ute Hüsken.