Tabla de Contenidos:
  • I. Articles. Ancient Near Eastern studies. Les vehicules terrestres dans les textes de Mari. II. Le harnachement et l'equipement de chars en cuir et en tissu ; Akka von Kiŝ und die Arbeitsverweigerer ; The Old Babylonian omens in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow ; SF50//52: Zwei bislang unerkannte Duplikate aus Fāra ; The suffixing conjugation of Akkadian: in search of its meaning ; IPTANARRAS can render the "basic" present (Akkadian sentences about the present time. III/1) ; Akkadian of the Me-ság Archive ; Philological notes on the First Tablet of the Standard Babylonian Gilgameŝ Epic ; The names of Gilgameŝ in the light of line 47 of the First Tablet of the Standard Babylonian Gilgameŝ Epic ; Another attempt at two Kassite Royal inscriptions: the Agum-Kakrime inscription and the inscription of Kurigalzu the Son of Kadashmanharbe ; Sumerian: a Uralic Language. II
  • Old Testament studies. Intended Lexical Ambiguity in the Song of Songs ; Abram and Sarai in Egypt (Gensis 12:10-20) Semitic studies. Negative markers *ay-, *i- and *al- in Ethio-Semitic ; A new attempt at reconstructing Proto-Aramaic. I ; Ein weiteres arabisches Syntagma in der altsüdarabischen Epigraphik
  • Short Notes. Anciet Near Eastern studies. Archive and the Syrian Campaigns of Suppiluliuma I: New Pieces for the Puzzle ; Marginalia Sargonica. I ; Accusative casus pendens: Some Further Examples ; Exodus 33:7 and Different Syntactic Patterns for Linking Participial Conditional Clauses with the Main Clause
  • III. Reveiws. Ancient Near Eastern studies. Glossar des Lykischen. Uberarbeitet und zum Druck gebracht von Johann Tischler ; Recent studies of Hurrian ; Von Sumer nach Ebla und zurück. Festschrift für Giovanni Pettinato
  • Old Testament studies. Linguistic dating of Biblical Texts. An introduction to approaches and problems
  • Semitic studies. Aramaic in its historical and linguistic setting ; Egyptian, Semitic and general grammar. Studies in memory of H. J. Polotsky ; Irianian loanwords in Syriac ; Die neuaramäischen Dialekte der Khabur-Assyrer in Nordostsyrien: Einführung, Phonologie und Morphologie ; Etymological dictionary of Egyptian.III