Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The wild and the tame in protected-areas management in peninsular Malaysia / Lye Tuck-Po
  • The implications of plantation agriculture for biodiversity in peninsular Malaysia : a historical analysis / Jeyamalar Kathirithamby-Wells
  • Rubber kills the land and saves the community : an undisciplined commodity / Michael R. Dove
  • Adat argument and discursive power : land tenure struggles in Krui, Indonesia / Upik Djalins
  • Redefining native customary law : struggles over property rights between native peoples and colonial rulers in Sabah, Malaysia, 1950-1996 / Amity A. Doolittle
  • The social life of boundaries : competing territorial claims and conservation planning in the Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan, Indonesia / Emily E. Harwell
  • Interpreting "Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Resource Use" : the case of the T'boli in the southern Philippines / Levita Duhaylungsod
  • The historical demography of resource use in a Swidden community in West Kalimantan / Endah Sulistyawati
  • The ecological implications of central versus local governance : the contest over integrated pest management in Indonesia / Yunita T. Winarto.