Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Close ecounters: toward a new cultural history of U.S.-Latin American relations / Gilbert M. Joseph
  • The decentered center and the expansionist periphery: the paradoxes of foreign-local encounter / Steve J. Stern
  • The enterprise of knowledge: representational machines of informal empire / Ricardo D. Salvatore
  • Landscape and the imperial subject: U.S. images of the Andes, 1859-1930 / Deborah Poole
  • Love in the tropics: marriage, divorce, and the construction of benevolent colonialism in Puerto Rico, 1898-1910 / Eileen J. Findlay
  • Mercenaries in the theater of war: publicity, technology, and the illusion of power during the Brazilian naval revolt of 1893 / Steven C. Topik
  • The Sandino rebellion revisited: civil war, imperialism, popular nationalism, and state formation mudded up together in the Segovias of Nicaragua, 1926-1934 / Michael J. Schroeder
  • The cult of the airplane among U.S. military men and Dominicans during the U.S. occupation and the Trujillo regime / Eric Paul Roorda
  • Central American encounters with Rockefeller public health, 1914-1921 / Steven Palmer
  • Living in Macondo: economy and culture in a United Fruit Company banana enclave in Colombia / Catherine C. LeGrand
  • From welfare capitalism to the free market in Chile: gender, culture, and politics in the copper mines / Thomas Miller Klubock
  • Everyday forms of transnational collaboration: U.S. film propaganda in cold war Mexico / Seth Fein
  • Gringo chickens with worms: food and nationalism in the Dominican Republic / Lauren Derby
  • Turning to culture / Emily S. Rosenberg
  • Social fields and cultural encounters / William Roseberry
  • From the reading to seeing: doing and undoing imperialism in the visual arts / Maria del Carmen Suescun Pozas.