Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Well above the average
  • Training began to pick up
  • Who knows our destiny?
  • Sometimes difficult situation
  • Is this Alaska?
  • Officially named Fort Mears
  • Early on in our story
  • Still just a big adventure
  • It really looks serious now
  • This is it
  • Under trying conditions
  • Snafu
  • This country gets you
  • We plowed on
  • Dangerous game
  • Tomorrow may bring untold things
  • It's the damn japs
  • Friendly planes, hell!
  • Waiting is torment
  • Like a big bunch of mosquitos
  • They sure did some damage
  • We calmed down some
  • Japs are here
  • Settled on Hog Island
  • Unfit for pigs
  • But duty is duty
  • Little lift
  • Worst storm of the tour
  • White Christmas
  • Out there when conditions were rough
  • Japanese could have sunk Salt Lake City with a baseball
  • Charged with a Herculean task
  • Sweating the attack
  • Get the damned thing over with
  • We think we will be seeing action soon
  • Great big, juicy, expensive mistake
  • War had gone by
  • Back to civilization
  • Learning experience.