Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Departure
  • The dispensable ones
  • Newcomers
  • Migration
  • The new life
  • Patrons and their work
  • Years of austerity
  • Transformation scene
  • Five perspectives
  • Appendix A. Schooling of Bang Chan population by age and sex, 1953
  • Appendix B. Bang Chan school enrollment, fourth-grade enrollment, number graduating from fourth grade, and number entering middle school, 1937-1960
  • Appendix C. Responses of 363 fourth-grade rural and urban schoolchildren aged 11-14 in 1954 to the question: "When you are 25 years old, what kind of work would you like to be doing?"
  • Appendix D. Religious affiliation and experience of Bang Chan males, by age group, 1949
  • Appendix E. Price rage of padi, land, and land rent in Bang Chan, 1880-1953 (in baht).