Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments; Preamble: Porfirio Díaz's Paradox; Introduction; Part I. Banditry, Self-Fashioning, and the Quest for Legitimacy; 1. Speculum Latronis: On Villa's Retrato autobiográfico; 2. Hugo Chávez, Maisanta, and the Construction of an Insurgent Lineage; Part II. Banditry and the Epic of the Nation; 3. The Burning Plains: On Las lanzas coloradas; 4. "Bodies for the Gallows": On Vámonos con Pancho Villa!; 5. The Andean Western: On Cuentos andinos; 6. Borges and the Melancholic Cultor del Coraje; Part III. Banditry and the Latin American Left.
  • 7. Dangerous Illusions and Shining Utopias: On Seara Vermelha8. The Heart of Darkness: On Jose Revueltas; Part IV. Banditry and the Dilemmas of Literature; 9. Borges and Moreira: Inglorious Bastards; 10. Language, the Devil, and the (Out)law: On Grande Sertão: Veredas; 11. An Abundance of Hats and a Scarcity of Heads: On La guerra del fin del mundo; 12. Banditry, Neoliberalism, and the Dilemmas of Literature: On Plata quemada; 13. What Is a Bandit?; Notes; Works Cited; Index.