Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half-title; Title; Copyright; Acknowledgements; Contents; Figures; Introduction; 1. In The Beginning; The Future of Multiculturalism in South Africa: The vision of the Constitution; The Original 'Pinch-me' Moment; 2. Hope And Caution In Exile; The First and Last Word
  • Freedom; 3. We Have To Mistrust Ourselves; Preparing Ourselves for Power; Perfectibility and Corruptibility; 4. Inventing A Constitution; South Africa's Unconstitutional Constitution: The transition from power to lawful power; 5. With Clean Hands And Without Secrets; Why I Supported Amnesty.
  • Meeting the Man who Organised a Bomb in my CarSoft Vengeance; 6. Reconciling The Past And The Future; Archives, Truth and Reconciliation; The Place Next Door to Number Four; Free Spirits and Ravaged Souls; Towards the Liberation and Revitalisation of Customary Law; Values, Nation Formation and Social Compacting; 7. Living Constitutional Law And Ubuntu; Constitutional Court Simulation, Case No. 2: The constitutionality of the death penalty; A New African Jurisprudence: From abstract judicial rulings to purposive transformative jurisprudence.
  • Equality Jurisprudence: The origin of doctrine in the South African Constitutional Court8. More Than Crumbs From The Table: Enforcing Social And Economic Rights; Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged; Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Bringing human solidarity back into the rights equation; 9. Struggle Continues; Nothing About us Without us: Disability; From Refugee to Judge on Refugee Law; A Conversation about the Sacred and the Secular: Same-sex marriage; Getting the Last Laugh on Rhodes; 10. Are The Beautiful People Born?; United in Diversity; Are the Beautiful People Born?; Cases Cited; Sources.