Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Ovid, Ars amatoria, Book I ; Previous Scholarship ; The Main Text of Ars amatoria ; The Welsh Glossing ; The Latin Glossing ; Oxford, Bodleian Library MS, Auct. F. 4. 32, fols. 37r-47r: The Main Text ; Facsimile Images ; Page Layout ; Collation ; Scribes ; Decoration ; Oxford, Bodleian Library MS, Auct. F. 4. 32, fols. 37r-47r: The Glosses and Marginal Annotations ; The Nature of the Glossing: (a) The Glossing of Latin Verse (b) Construe Marks (c) The Order of Glossing (d) Latin Glosses and Comment (e) Old Welsh Glosses (f) Glosses of Uncertain Origin (g) On Misunderstanding Ovid (h) Evidence for an Irish Element in the Glossing
  • The Learned Context: Other Glossed Manuscripts of Ovid's Ars amatoria I ; The Glossed Manuscripts of Ovid, Ars amatoria I ; St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 821(Sa) ; London, British Library, Additional 14086 (A) ; Bern, Burgerbibliothek 478 (B) ; Paris BN Latin 15155 (excerpts) (p2) ; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canon. Class. 1 (S.C. 18582) (Ob) ;Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson Q. d. 19 (S.C. 16044) (o) ; London, British Library, Additional 49369 (olim Holkham 322) (H) ; Perpignan, Mediatheque, 19 (olim Bibliotheque municipale, 10) (W) ; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canon. Class. 18 (S.C. 18599) (Og) ; Significant Parallel Glosses ; Glosses Which Can Help in Understanding O
  • Ovid, Ars amatoria I: Edition
  • Notes to the Edition ; Old Welsh Orthography ; Vowels ; Consonants ; Notes
  • Postscript: The Later Life of Ovid in Medieval Wales ; Ofydd: Poet, Love Poet, and Love Poetry ; The Cywyddwyr and Ofydd ; Knowledge of Classical Texts in Medieval Wales, 900-1400 ; Surviving Books and Monastic Catalogues ; Intertextual Knowledge of Classical Texts in Medieval Wales ; Education in Medieval Wales.