Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Going beyond the anecdote: the C-SPAN archives and uncovering the ritual of presidential debates in the age of cable news / Kathryn Cramer Brownell
  • Framing technological influence through C-SPAN / Alison N. Novak and Ernest A. Hakanen
  • Image bite analysis of presidential debates / Erik P. Bucy and Zijian Harrison Gong
  • Expressive polarization in political discourse / stonegarden grindlife
  • C-SPAN, MOOCS, and the post-digital age / David A. Caputo
  • Using the C-SPAN archives : evidence in policymakers' discourse on science / Mary L. Nucci
  • Personal narratives and representation strategies : using C-SPAN oral histories to examine key concepts in minority representation / Nadia E. Brown, Michael D. Minta, and Valeria Sinclair-Chapman
  • "Mom-in-chief" rhetoric as a lens for understanding policy advocacy : a thematic analysis of video footage from Michelle Obama's speeches / Ray Block Jr. and Christina S. Haynes
  • The performance of roll call votes as political cover in the U.S. Senate : using C-SPAN to analyze the vote to repeal "don't ask, don't tell" / Christopher Neff
  • Public understandings of women in STEM : a prototype analysis of governmental discourse from the C-SPAN video library / Lauren Berkshire Hearit and Patrice M. Buzzanell
  • If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? / Bryce J. Dietrich
  • Reflections and a look ahead / Patrice M. Buzzanell.