Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments; Introduction: The Need for Reason in Theology
  • Matthew L. Lamb; Part One: A Need for Philosophy in Theology; 1. All Theologians Are Philosophers, Whether Knowingly or Not
  • Charles Morerod, OP; 2. Videtur quod non sit necessarium, praeter theologicam disciplinam, aliam doctrinam haberi: Legitimacy of Philosophy as an Autonomous Discipline and Its Service to Theology in Aquinas and Ralph McInerny
  • John P. O'Callaghan; Part Two: A Need for a Metaphysics of Nature in Theology; 3. Theology and the Metaphysics of Creation
  • Lawrence Dewan, OP.
  • 4. The Concept of Nature: Philosophical Reflections in Service of Theology
  • Joseph Koterski, SJ5. On Natural Knowledge of God: Aquinas's Debt to Aristotle
  • Steven A. Long; Part Three: Human Reason and Reveation; 6. Logos as Reason and Logos Incarnate: Philosophy, Theology, and the Voices of Tradition
  • Brian Daley, SJ; 7. Are Aristotelian-Thomists Rationalists?: On Thomism, the Praeambula Fidei, and Theological Faith
  • Roger Nutt; 8. Philosophical Starting Points: Reason and Order in Aquinas's Introductions to the Posterior Analytics, De Caelo, and Nicomachean Ethics
  • Kevin White.
  • 9. Tunc scimus cum causas cognoscimus: Some Medieval Endeavors to Know Scripture in Its Causes
  • Timothy Bellamah, OPPart Four: Philosophy in Systematic Theology; 10. Ad aliquid: Relation in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Gilles Emery, OP; 11. Aquinas on the Procession of the Holy Spirit
  • John Boyle; 12. Christology of Disclosure in Robert Sokolowski
  • Guy Mansini, OSB; 13. Ego sapientia: The Mariology of Laval Thomism
  • Romanus Cessario, OP; 14. Reflections on Ralph McInerny's Dante and the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Kevin Flannery, SJ; Part Five: Philosophy in Moral Theology.
  • 15. Moderating the Magnanimous Man: Aquinas on Greatness of Soul
  • Marc D. Guerra16. Charles De Koninck and Aquinas's Doctrine of the Common Good
  • Sebastian Walshe, O Praem; 17. Reading Aquinas's Commentary on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: A Reply to Mark D. Jordan
  • Christopher Kaczor; Afterword: Remembering a Genuine Lover of Wisdom: The Impressive Legacy of Ralph McInerny
  • Michael Novak; Selected Bibliography; Contributors; Index.