Tabla de Contenidos:
  • List of Figures; List of Tables; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; 1. Introduction: Social Security, Rationality, and the German Welfare State; 2. Insurance Becomes Social Policy: The Sources of Social Concern in Nineteenth-Century Germany; 3. Embodied Entitlement: The Policy, Practice, and Politics of Disability Compensation, 1884-1914; 4. The Regenerative Welfare State: Therapy, Work, and the Birth of Rehabilitation, 1884-1914; 5. War, Revolution, and Care for the Disabled, 1914-21; 6. The Inflation of Social Entitlement, 1918-27: Sacrifice and the Politics of Victimization
  • 7. The Rise of the Degenerative Welfare State: A Genealogy of the Backlash against Weimar Social Policy, 1889-19338. Conclusion: Social Security and the Politics of Entitlement in Twentieth-Century Germany; Select Bibliography; Index