
The Sonoran Desert : A Literary Field Guide /

"This is an anthology of poetry and short prose about the Sonoran Desert that is organized in the manner of a field guide"--Provided by publisher.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Magrane, Eric (Editor ), Cokinos, Christopher (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, 2016.
Colección:Book collections on Project MUSE.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Plants. Arizona sycamore = Platanus wrightii / Amanda Jean Bailey ; Barestem larkspur = Delphinium scaposum / Scott Calhoun ; Brigham's tea = Ephedra nevadensis / Gary Paul Nabhan ; Brittlebush = Encelia farinosa / Kristi Maxwell ; Coulter's lupine = Lupinus sparsiflorus / Rachel Lehrman ; Creosote = Larrea tridentata / Ofelia Zepeda ; Desert globemallow = Sphaeralcea ambigua / Melissa Buckheit ; Desert ironwood = Olneya tesota / Jeevan Narney ; Desert mistletoe = Phoradendron californicum / Matthew Conley ; Devil's claw = Proboscidea parviflora / Lisa Cooper Anderson ; Fairy duster = Calliandra eriophylla / Christine Baines ; Jojoba = Simmondsia chinensis / Erec Toso ; Jumping cholla = Cylindropuntia fulgida / Logan Phillips ; Limberbush = Jatropha cardiophylla / Rebecca Seiferle ; Ocotillo = Fouquieria splendens / Maya L. Kapoor ; Foothill palo verde = Parkinsonia microphylla / Stephen Trimble ; Sacred datura = Datura wrightii / Cybele Knowles ; Saguaro = Carnegiea gigantea / Alison Hawthorne Deming ; Velvet mesquite = Prosopis velutina / Eric Magrane
  • Invertebrates. Arizona blond tarantula = Aphonopelma chalcodes / Laynie Browne ; Arizona walkingstick = Diapheromera arizonensis / Karen Falkenstrom ; Bark scorpion = Centruroides sculpturatus / Joshua Marie Wilkinson ; Pinacate beetle = Eleodes spp. / Erin Wilcox ; Tarantula hawk = Pepsis spp. / Aisha Sabatini Sloan ; White-lined sphinx moth = Hyles lineata / TC Tolbert ; Yucca moth = Tegeticula yuccasella / Sherwin Bitsui
  • Birds. American kestrel = Falco sparverius / Rita Maria Magdaleno ; Broad-billed hummingbird = Cynanthus latirostris / Alberto Álvaro Ríos ; Cactus wren = Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus / Maria Melendez Kelson ; Common raven = Corvus corax / Shawna Thompson ; Curve-billed thrasher = Toxostoma curvirostre / Michael Rerick ; Elf owl = Micrathene whitneyi / Annie Guthrie ; Gambel's quail = Callipepla gambelii / Geraldine Connolly ; Gilded flicker = Colaptes chrysoides / Christopher Cokinos ; Greater roadrunner = Geococcyx californianus / Jane Miller ; Harris's hawk = Parabuteo unicinctus / M.E. Wakamatsu ; Lucy's warbler = Vermivora luciae / Christina Vega-Westhoff ; Phainopepla = Phainopepla nitens / Ellen McMahon ; Pyrrhuloxia = Cardinalis sinuatus / Samuel Ace ; Turkey vulture = Cathartes aura / Christopher Cokinos ; Verdin = Auriparus flaviceps / Valyntina Grenier ; White-winged dove = Zenaida asiatica / Kimi Eisele ; Yellow-rumped warbler = Dendroica coronata / Claire Skinner
  • Mammals. Black-tailed jackrabbit = Lepus californicus / Alberto Álvaro Ríos ; Bobcat = Lynx rufus / Wynne Brown ; Coyote = Canis latrans / Angelo Joaquin Jr. ; Desert cottontail = Sylvilagus audubonii / Simmons B. Buntin ; Gray fox = Urocyon cinereoargenteus / Heather Nagami ; Javelina = Pecari tajacu / Joy Williams ; Lesser long-nosed bat = Leptonycteris yerbabuenae / Farid Matuk ; Merriam's kangaroo rat = Dipodomys merriami / Shelby Salemi ; Mountain lion = Puma concolor / Ken Lamberton ; Mule deer = Odocoileus hemionus / Paul Mirocha ; Western white-throated woodrat = Neotoma albigula / Charles Alexander ; White-nosed coati = Nasua narica / Renee Angle
  • Reptiles and amphibians. Canyon treefrog = Hyla arenicolor / Melissa L. Sevigny ; Desert tortoise = Gopherus morafkai / Wendy Burk ; Gila monster = Heloderma suspectum / Eric Magrane ; Greater short-horned lizard = Phrynosoma hernandesi / Jake Levine ; Mojave rattlesnake = Crotalus scutulatus / George Life ; Red-spotted toad = Bufo punctatus / Steven Salmoni ; Sonoran collared lizard = Crotaphytus nebrius / Tj Hoffman Duffy ; Sonoran spotted whiptail = Aspidoscelis sonorae / Valerina Quintana ; Western diamondback rattlesnake = Crotalus atrox / Kristen E. Nelson.