Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Early human resource management : context and history
  • HRM at the beginning : the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad
  • Contrasting HRM strategies : Pullman and Baldwin
  • HRM and alternative systems of workforce governance
  • HRM in the industrial heartland I : the United States Steel Corporation
  • HRM in the industrial heartland II : the Ford Motor Company
  • Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc.
  • The human resource model in a welfare capitalism firm : the Top-Grade Oil Company
  • A high-road employer in a low-road industry : the Great Eastern Coal Company
  • The middle ground of HRM in the 1920s : the United Steel and Coal Company
  • Paternalism combined with decentralized and informal HRM : Mega-Watt Light and Power
  • The "hired hand" model in a large manufacturing firm : New Era Radio
  • HRM in the industrial heartland III : High-Beam Steel
  • The case studies : insights and lessons learned.