Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface; Abbreviations Used in the Footnotes; I. From Countess to Empress: "La Montijo Triomphe"; A Mesalliance?; The Eastern Question; Eyes across the Pyrenees; The Beginning of Trouble with Rome; II. The Italian War: An Apprentice in Revolt; Orsini and the Empress' Italian Phase; "Our Cause is Good ... "; Madame la Regente; In Defense of Altar-; -And Throne; III. The Cold War of 1859-1861: The Triumph of the "Italianissimes"; The Argument over the Preliminaries of Villafranca; "The Battle of Compiegne"; "The Pope and the Congress"; Complications at Home.
  • Annexation of Nice and Savoy: An Idyllic InterludeFrustration and Flight; Revolution Prevails; IV. The Grand Design: Italy, Mexico, and Poland, 1861-1863; Reversing the Revolutionary Trend; The Origin of the Mexican Venture; The Roman Question: A Trial of Strength; The Fall of Thouvenel; The Polish Revolt: A Marriage of Inclination?; V. Empire in the Doldrums: The Loss of Hegemony, 1863-1866; A Woman Scorned; Reactions and Reprisals: Rome-; -And Mexico; Prewar Diplomacy-Picking a Loser; VI. After Sadowa: "The Beginning of the End of the Dynasty"; The Impact of Sadowa.
  • The Forage for CompensationsPolitical Limbo; The Roman Question Again; Realignments and Reappraisals; VII. A Time to Speak: "II Faut en Finir"; In Quest of Allies; Fall of the Vice Emperor; Revolution in Spain; The Hohenzollern Candidacy for the Spanish Throne; Premature Exultation; The Demand for Guarantees; The Demand for Guarantees; VIII. A House Divided; Appendix: Metternich to Rechberg, February 22, 1863; Bibliography; Index.