Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction
  • Preparing the ground, sowing the seed
  • World War I and the condition of labor
  • A white international?
  • Social Catholic analyses before 'Quadragesimo Anno' : common aims, diverse paths
  • Vitality in the low countries
  • France : controversies and advances
  • New departures in Catholic action : youth movements in the working class
  • Women's Catholic labor movements
  • Christian labor in Weimar Germany
  • Italy and Austria : Christian labor at grips with authoritarian rule
  • 'Quadragesimo Anno, ' in 1931 : its controversial reception
  • France, Belgiu, the Netherlands : Christian labor in the Depression years
  • Labor and Catholicism under the impact of World War II
  • Working within secular pluralism
  • Conclusion.