Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Peter Molnar
  • 1989, 2011, and strategic narratives / Monroe Price
  • Dangers for freedom of expression and the internet : an interview with Frank La Rue
  • Freedom of speech in the OSCE countries : an interview with Dunja Mijatovic
  • Revisiting the three Europes : diverging landscapes of media freedom / Miklós Haraszti
  • Freedom of expression, media and journalism under the European human rights system : characteristics, developments, and challenges / Dirk Voorhoof
  • Jurisprudential advances and persistent challenges for freedom of expression in the Americas / Catalina Botero Marino
  • The right to information in Latin America / Toby Mendel
  • Freedom of speech and access to information in Africa : an interview with Pansy Tlakula
  • A right emerges : the history of the right of access to information and its link with freedom of expression / Helen Darbishire
  • The right to information and the expanding scope of bodies covered by national laws since 1989 / Sandra Coliver
  • The Rabat plan of action : a critical turning point in international law on hate speech / Sejal Parmar
  • Free to hate? : anti-Gypsyism in 21st-century Europe / Bernard Rorke
  • The role of the mass media in the Spanish transition to democracy and its subsequent consolidation / Josep Maria Carbonell and Joan Barata Mir
  • Russia's modern approach to media law / Andrei Richter
  • Access to information in Kenya : the law and practice in the last two decades (1991-2013) / Ezra Chiloba
  • Freedom of expression in ferment : a cursory look at the Ethiopian media regime / Yared Legesse Mengistu
  • Philippines : expanding the contours of free speech in an environment of impunity against journalists / Gilbert T. Andres
  • The fragile complexity of protecting freedom of speech in Australia / Rhonda Breit
  • The impact of new media on freedom of expression in China and the regulatory responses / Mei Ning Yan
  • Eavesdropping on the freedom of expression in India / Sunil Abraham
  • The "Turkish model" of freedom of speech / Zeynep Alemdar
  • Overcoming silence : why media laws hinder freedom of the press in postauthoritarian Egypt / Brenda F. Abdelall
  • Media, freedom of expression and democratization in Morocco / Abderrahim Chalfaouat
  • The Danish cartoons controversy: hate speech laws and unintended consequences / Richard N. Winfield and Janine Tien
  • The UN defamation of religions resolution and domestic blasphemy laws in Pakistan : creating a culture of impunity / Asma T. Uddin
  • A right to be free from religious hatred? : the Wilders case in the Netherlands and beyond / Jeroen Temperman.