Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Explaining rivalry and rapprochement in cold war Latin America
  • Parochial interest and policy change
  • Antagonism and anticommunism in Argentine-Brazilian relations
  • Peron and Dutra, 1947 : damn the torpedoes
  • Frondizi and Quadros, 1961 : the spirit of Uruguaiana
  • Lanusse and Medici, 1972 : general to general
  • Videla and Figueiredo, 1980 : the turning point
  • The 1959 Cuban Revolution and Central American rivalries
  • From borders to brotherhood : Nicaragua and Honduras
  • Persistent conflicts : Costa Rica-Nicaragua and El Salvador-Honduras
  • The 1980s debt crisis and Andean rivalries
  • Persistent conflicts : Peru-Ecuador, Colombia-Venezuela, and Bolivia-Chile
  • From crisis to cooperation : Argentina and Chile
  • From the cold war to the global war on terrorism
  • Algeria and Morocco : protracted rivalry in the Maghreb
  • The organizational politics of conflict resolution.