Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : Theorizing the Representation of Urban Blacks in "White" Cities
  • A Way Out of No Way : Reconsidering the Hollow Prize Thesis
  • The Model of Ohio : Political History and Demographic Change in a Rust-Belt State
  • An Ebb and Flow System : Fluctuations in Black Political Advancement in Toledo
  • Are We "to Be" or Not? : The Push and Pull of Race in Dayton Politics
  • "Lowest and Best" (and Black) Bids : Mayor Jack Ford and the Active Pursuit of Black Contractors
  • Strong Housing Support and a Weak Mayor : Rhine McLin's Efforts for Improved Housing
  • Trickle-Up Public Opinion : Universalizing Black Interests Perceptions
  • Racial Populism : Ford's and McLin's Targeted Political Rhetoric
  • Target Practice : Universalizing the Interests of Blacks for All
  • Epilogue
  • Appendix A : Statistics on McLin and Ford Mayoral Victories
  • Appendix B : Research Methodologies.