Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Marchamont Nedham, The Excellencie of a Free-State
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Details, p. iv
  • Table of Contents, p. v
  • The Thomas Hollis Library, p. vii
  • Preface, p. ix
  • Acknowledgments, p. xi
  • Abbreviations, p. xiii
  • Introduction, p. xv
  • Nedham and His Classical Sources, p. ciii
  • The Text and the Notes, p. cvii
  • The Excellencie of a Free-State
  • To the Reader, p. 5
  • An Introduction to the Following Discourse, p. 8
  • The Right Constitution of a Commonwealth, p. 19
  • All Objections Against the Government of the People, Answered, p. 47 The Original of All Just Power Is in the People, p. 70
  • Errours of Government; and Rules of Police, p. 75
  • Appendix A. The Edition of 1656, p. 127
  • Appendix B. The Edition of 1767
  • Appendix C. Corresponding Passages of Mercurius Politicus, p. 133
  • Index, p. 189