Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction: From Ritual to History and Back Again, Trajectories in Research and Theory
  • pt. 1. An Ethnographic Pastorale: Introduction to K'ulta and the Local Sources of History. 2. Journeys to Cultural Frontiers. 3. The Dialogical Politics of Ethnographic Fieldwork. 4. Structures and Histories: K'ulta between Gods and State
  • pt. 2. Historical Paths to K'ulta: An Andean Social Formation from Preinvasion Autonomy to Postrevolution Atomization. 5. Pathways of Historical Colonization: Stories of an Andean Past from the Archives of Letters and Landscapes. 6. Colonial Relandscaping of Andean Social Memory
  • pt. 3. Social Memory in K'ulta: A Landscape Poetics of Narrative, Drink, and Saints' Festivals.