Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Habsburg-Ottoman wars and the modern world / Charles Ingrao
  • The peace of Passarowitz : the general context / Nikola Samardzic
  • The peace of Passarowitz in the historical sciences (1718-1829) / Martin Peters
  • The impact of the Passarowitz treaty on the Habsburg Empire / Harald Heppner, Daniela Schanes
  • The peace of Passarowitz in Venice's Balkan policy / Egidio Ivetic
  • Twists and turns in the diplomatic dialogue during the lead-up to the Passarowitz peace conference : a glimpse at the politics of peace-making in the early eighteenth century / Rhoads Murphey
  • The Ottoman wars against Venice and Austria and the changing military balance of power along the Danube in the early eighteenth century / Gabor Agoston
  • The peace of Passarowitz and its influence on the Eyalet of Bosnia / Enes Pelidija
  • The Crimean Tatars and the seventeenth-eighteenth century Ottoman-Austrian wars / Dan D.Y. Shapira
  • Making a prosperous peace : Habsburg diplomacy and economic policy during the peace of Passarowitz / Jovan Pesalj
  • Implementation of the commercial treaty of Passarowitz : the case of the Austrian merchants (1720-1750) / Numan Elibol, Abdullah Mesud Kucukkalay.
  • The navigation and trade agreement of 1718 and Ottoman orthodox merchants in civil Croatia and parts of the military border / Hrvoje Petric
  • The Austro-Ottoman war of 1716-1718 and demographic changes in war-afflicted territories / Vojin S. Dabic
  • The peace of Passarowitz and the reestablishment of the Catholic diocesan administration in Belgrade and Smederevo / Katarina Mitrovic
  • Tracking the mapmaker : Marsigli's itineraries and surveys in southeastern Europe as a basis for the peace conferences of Karlowitz (1699) and Passarowitz (1718) / Jelena Mrgic
  • The festival book dedicated to the exchange of Austrian and Turkish deputations in 1719 / Ana Milosevic
  • The emergence of baroque in Belgrade / Nikola Samardzic
  • Patriotism and propaganda : the Habsburgs' media promotion of the Passarowitz peace
  • Treaty ratification in 1718 / Vladimir Simic.