Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Ecological issues related to forest management
  • Forest ecosystem management: origins and foundations
  • How can natural disturbances be a guide for forest ecosystem management?
  • Fire frequency and forest management based on natural disturbances
  • Climate, weather, and forest fires
  • Management solutions to face climate change: the example of forest fires
  • Spatial structure of forest stands and remnants under fire and timber harvesting regimes
  • Spruce budworm outbreak regimes in eastern North America
  • Forest tent caterpillar outbreak dynamics from Manitoba to New Brunswick
  • Applying knowledge of natural disturbance regimes to develop forestry practices inspired by nature in the southern region of the Gaspe Peninsula
  • Towards an ecosystem approach to managing the boreal forest in the North Shore region: disturbance regime and natural forest dynamics
  • Ecosystem management of Quebec's northern Clay Belt Spruce Forest: managing the forest and especially the soils
  • Forest dynamics of the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest, Manitoba, and the implications for forest management
  • Silviculture in a context of forest ecosystem management in boreal and southern boreal forests
  • An adaptive framework for monitoring ecosystem management in the boreal Black Spruce Forest
  • Silvicultural and ecological evaluation of partial harvest in the boreal forest on the Clay Belt, Quebec
  • Modelling complex stands and the effects of silvicultural treatments
  • Scenario planning and operational practices within a sustainable forest management plan: an approach developed by LP Canada, Manitoba
  • Forest ecosystem management in the boreal mixedwood forest of western Quebec: an example from the Lake Duparquet Forest
  • Project Tembec: towards the implementation of a forest management strategy based on the natural disturbance dynamics of the northern Abitibi region
  • Old-forest conservation strategies in wet-trench forests of the upper Fraser River watershed, British Columbia
  • Perspectives.