Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
  • Part 1. The Chesapeake
  • 1. Ambrose MarÃchal, the Jesuits, and the Demise of Ecclesial Republicanismin Maryland, 1818â€?1838
  • 2. â€oeSplendid Povertyâ€?: Jesuit Slaveholding in Maryland, 1805â€?1838
  • 3. From Saints to Secessionists: Reading the Past as Prologue
  • 4. â€oeThe Finger of God Is Hereâ€?: The Advent of the Miraculous in the Nineteenth-Century American Catholic Community
  • 5. Rome, the American Church, and Slavery
  • 6. The First American Jesuit Province and the Shifting Center of CatholicismPart 2. New York
  • 7. Prelude to â€oeAmericanismâ€?: The New York AccadÃ?mia and Clerical Radicalism in the Late Nineteenth Century
  • 8. The McGlynn Affair and the Shaping of the New Conservatism in American Catholicism, 1886â€?1899
  • 9. â€oeListen to Our Voice ... Walk inthe Ancient Pathsâ€?: The Episcopacy and the Road to Universal Parochial Education
  • 10. The Church in the Public Square: Archbishop Corrigan and the Crusade against Roman-Sanctioned Liberalism in the 1890s
  • Part 3. Social Justice and the Intellectual Life11. Confronting â€oeThe Social Questionâ€?: American Catholic Thought and the Socio-Economic Order in the Nineteenth Century
  • 12. Vying to Be the Intellectual Center: Catholic Higher Education in New York and Washington, 1884â€?1914
  • Bibliography
  • Index