Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. Real trends in female violence: getting tough on girls. Have "girls gone wild"? / Mike Males
  • Criminalizing assault: do age and gender matter? / Eve S. Buzawa and David Hirschel
  • Jailing 'bad' girls: girls' violence and trends in female incarceration / Meda Chesney-Lind
  • pt. II. Girls' violence: institutional contexts and concerns. The gendering of violence in intimate relationships: how violence makes sex less safe for girls / Melissa E. Dichter, Julie A. Cederbaum, and Anne M. Teitelman
  • Policing girlhood? Relational aggression and violence prevention / Meda Chesney-Lind, Merry Morash, and Katherine Irwin
  • "I don't know if you consider that as violence": using attachment theory to understand girls' perspectives on violence / Judith A. Ryder
  • Reducing aggressive behavior in adolescent girls by attending to school climate / Sibylle Artz and Diana Nicholson
  • Negotiations of the living space: life in the group home for girls who use violence / Marion Brown
  • pt. III. Girls' violence: explanations and implications. "It's about being a survivor": African American girls, gender, and the context of inner city violence / Nikki Jones
  • The importance of context in the production of older girls' violence: implications for the focus of interventions / Merry Morash, Suyeon Park, and Jung-mi Kim
  • Moral panics, violence, and the policing of girls: reasserting patriarchal control in the new millennium / Walter S. DeKeseredy.