Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Position of the American Academy of Neurology on certain aspects of the care and management of the persistent vegetative state patient / American Academy of Neurology
  • Feeding tubes : sorting out the issues / Myles N. Sheehan
  • Catholic teaching on prolonging life : setting the record straight / Michael R. Panicola
  • A history of ordinary and extraordinary means / Donald E. Henke
  • Must we preserve life? / Ronald Hamel and Michael Panicola
  • The prolongation of life / Pope Pius XII
  • Declaration on euthanasia / Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
  • The artificial prolongation of life / Pontifical Academy of Sciences
  • On withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration / Texas bishops and the Texas Conference of Catholic Health Facilities
  • Nutrition and hydration : moral and pastoral reflections / National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities
  • Ethical and religious directives : introduction to Part V and Directives 57-58 / United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
  • The PVS patient and the forgoing/withdrawing of medical nutrition and hydration / Thomas A. Shannon and James J. Walter
  • Should nutrition and hydration be provided to permanently unconscious and other mentally disabled persons? / Germain Grisez
  • End-of-life care revisited / Daniel P. Sulmasy
  • Care for patients in a "permanent" vegetative state / Pope John Paul II
  • John Paul II on the "vegetative state" / Richard M. Doerflinger
  • Medically assisted nutrition and hydration : a contribution to the dialogue / Mark Repenshek and John Paul Slosar
  • Assisted nutrition and hydration and the Catholic tradition / Thomas A. Shannon and James J. Walter
  • Reflections on the papal allocution concerning care for persistent vegetative state patients / Kevin O'Rourke
  • The Clarence Herbert case : was withdrawal of treatment justified? / John R. Connery
  • Caring or starving? the case of Claire Conroy / Richard A. McCormick.