Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt 1. The Porfirian family : child welfare, child labor, and child nurture, 1884-1912
  • Porfirian patterns and meanings of child circulation : child labor and child welfare in the capital city
  • Labor or love : trends in Porfirian adoption practice
  • Moral and medical economies of motherhood : infant feeding at the Mexico City Foundling Home
  • pt. 2. Reworking the family : family relations and revolutionary reform, 1913-1943
  • The family in the revolutionary order : conceptual foundations
  • The revolutionary family : children's health and collective identities
  • Domestic economies : family dynamics, child labor, and child circulation
  • Breaking and making families : adoption, child labor, and women's work
  • Conclusion: Family, work, and welfare in modern Mexico.