Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. Referendum Actors and Journalistic Practices. 1. The Referendum Actors and Issues in Historical Perspective. 2. Journalistic Ethics and Referendum Coverage in Montreal / Armande Saint-Jean
  • pt. II. Constructing the Interpretive Grid: 'Framing' the Referendum as Election. 3. Television and Electoral Coverage: Changing Rules. 4. The Referendum on Quebec Television: Broadcast Rules and Content Frames
  • pt. III. Situating the Narrative: French/English Understandings of Quebec Nationalism. 5. Press Interpretations: Distilling the White Paper and Beige Paper Versions of 'Nationalism'. 6. Interpreting the White Paper on Television
  • pt. IV. Exploring the Argumentation: Rhetorical Processes in Public Opinion Creation.