Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Dene speak
  • Dene declaration: Blake, P., T'Seleie, F. & Lamothe, R. Statements of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry
  • Resources: Nahanni, P. The mapping project. Snowshoe, C.A trapper's life. Rushforth, S. Country food. Asch, M. The Dene economy. Jellies, A.D. The loss of economic rents. Helliwell, J.F. The distribution of economic rents from a pipeline. Watkins, M. From underdevelopment to development
  • Rights: Puxley, P. The Colonial experience. Barnaby, G., Kurszewski, G. & Cheezie, G. The political system and the Dene. Bean, W. Colonialism in the communities. Kakfwi, S. & Overvold, B. The schools. Sutton, C.G. Aboriginal rights. Russell, P.H. The Dene Nation and Confederation
  • Conclusion: Erasmus, G. We the Dene.