Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""General Editors' Preface""; ""Translator's Foreword""; ""ENGLISH TRANSLATION""; ""Preface""; ""The Aim of This Supplement""; ""The Nature of the Argument""; ""Rationale of the Division""; ""Part I: The Notion of Person""; ""1 Being""; ""2 Existenz""; ""3 The Meanings of 'One'""; ""4 The Subsistent""; ""5 The Distinct Subsistent or Real Supposit""; ""6 Person""; ""Part 2: The Constitution of a Finite Person""; ""1 Causes""; ""2 The Reality of Intrinsic Causes""; ""3 One as Constituted by Many Causes""; ""4 The Constitution of a Finite Person""
  • ""5 How Other Opinions Differ from Ours""""Part 3: Theological Understanding""; ""1 The Analogy of Methods""; ""2 Ways of Considering Truths about God""; ""3 Concrete Examples of Theological Understanding""; ""Part 4: The Ontological Constitution of Christ""; ""1 The Dogma of the Incarnation""; ""2 Resolution into Causes""; ""3 The Principle of Composition from Causes""; ""4 Deducing the Composite from the Principle of Composition""; ""Part 5: Human Consciousness""; ""1 The Nature of Consciousness""; ""2 The Word 'I'""; ""3 The Ontological Constitution of Finite Consciousness""
  • ""Part 6: The Consciousness of Christ""""1 The Divine Consciousness of Christ""; ""2 The Human Consciousness of Christ""; ""3 The Ontological Constitution of Christ's Human Consciousness""; ""4 The Psychological Unity of Christ, God and Human""; ""5 The Dialectic of Opinions""; ""Conclusion""; ""Index""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""; ""H""; ""I""; ""K""; ""L""; ""M""; ""N""; ""O""; ""P""; ""Q""; ""R""; ""S""; ""T""; ""U""; ""V""; ""W""; ""X""; ""LATIN TEXT""; ""Prooemium""; ""Supplementi Finis""; ""Argumenti Natura""; ""Divisionis Ratio""; ""Pars I: De Notione Personae""
  • ""Sectio Prima: De Ente""""Sectio Secunda: De Ex-sistentia""; ""Sectio Tertia: De Uno""; ""Sectio Quarta: De Subsistente""; ""Sectio Quinta: De Subsistente Distincto seu De Supposito Reali""; ""Sectio Sexta: De Persona""; ""Pars II: De Constitutione Personae Finitae""; ""Sectio Prima: De Causis""; ""Sectio Secunda: An Sint Causae Intrinsecae""; ""Sectio Tertia: Quemadmodum Unum per Multas Causas Constituatur""; ""Sectio Quarta: De Constitutione Personae Finitae""; ""Sectio Quinta: Sententiarum Differentiae""; ""Pars III: De Intelligentia Theologica""; ""Sectio Prima: De Methodorum Analogia""
  • ""Sectio Secunda: Quemadmodum Consideretur Verum Divinum""""Sectio Tertia: Intelligentia Theologica Concrete Illustratur""; ""Pars IV: De Constitutione Christi Ontologica""; ""Sectio Prima: Dogma Recolitur""; ""Sectio Secunda: Resolutio in Causas""; ""Sectio Tertia: Compositionis ex Causis Principium""; ""Sectio Quarta: Ex Principio Compositionis Compositi Deductio""; ""Pars V: De Conscientia Humana""; ""Sectio Prima: Quid Sit Conscientia""; ""Sectio Secunda: Quid Sit 'Ego'""; ""Sectio Tertia: Conscientiae Finitae Constitutio Ontologica""; ""Pars VI: De Conscientia Christi""