Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Introduction""; ""Workfare: An Overview""; ""Definitions and General Discussion""; ""Historical Perspectives""; ""Early History: The Roots of Welfare""; ""The Universal Welfare State: 1945-1980""; ""Crisis and Redefinition""; ""Workfare as Social Struggle""; ""A Short Conclusion: Debates on Income and Work""; ""The Politics Of Workfare: NB Works""; ""NB Works as a Social Program""; ""Welfare Reform""; ""Overview of NB Works""; ""Efficacy of NB Works""; ""Participants' Views of the Program""; ""The NB Works Program as Ideology and Political Opportunism""
  • ""The Political Context Of NB Works""""Manufacturing and Marketing the Image of NB Works""; ""Political Functions Of NB Works""; ""Summary and Conclusions""; ""Workfare in Quebec""; ""The Background to Workfare In Quebec""; ""The Crisis of Social Assistance in the 1980s""; ""Preparing the Ground""; ""The Reform""; ""Evaluation of the Workfare Programs""; ""Rattrapage Scolaire""; ""The EXTRA Program""; ""The PAIE Program""; ""Workfare and Community Organizations""; ""The NDG-APG""; ""Resto-Pop""; ""Recent Developments""; ""Summary of Workfare and Community Organizations""; ""Conclusion""
  • ""'It's Not a Walk in the Park': Workfare in Ontario""""Welfare Reform Under the Liberals and NDP""; ""The 1995 Election""; ""The Morning After""; ""The Emerging Confusion""; ""The Announcement""; ""Some Comments""; ""In Short""; ""Notes""; ""Alberta and the Workfare Myth""; ""The Myth Makers""; ""The Carrots""; ""The Sticks""; ""The Work Imperative""; ""Dramatic Success?""; ""Personal Stories""; ""Back to the Future?""; ""Notes""; ""Workfare in the U.S.: Empirically-Tested Programs or Ideological Quagmire?""; ""Ideological Origins of Work Programs in the U.S.""
  • ""Alternative Explanations for Welfare Utilization""""Empirical Evidence of Work Program Effectiveness""; ""Caseload Reductions""; ""Participation Rates""; ""Work Effort""; ""Income and Hours of Work""; ""Cost-effectiveness Studies""; ""Program Implementation""; ""Conclusions""; ""Notes""; ""Resisting Workfare""; ""Resisting the Language that Justifies Workfare""; ""Newspeak Lives""; ""The End Legislated Poverty (ELP) Dictionary of Social Policy Newspeak""; ""Resisting National Legislation that Allows Workfare""; ""Ignorance Prevails""; ""Getting Workers to Resist Workfare""
  • ""The Real Story on Workfare Programs Lay-offs for Existing Workers while Welfare Recipients do the Jobs as Cheap Labour""; ""Resisting Workfare Before it Happens""; ""Resisting Workfare at the United Nations""; ""Resisting Workfare""; ""Bibliography""