Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Pt. I. Rapid Population Growth. 1. Population and Poverty: Can Everyone Belong? 2. The Demography and Political Economy of Rapid Population Growth. 3. Rapid Population Growth in Sicily, 1868 to 1890. 4. Late-Nineteenth-Century Population Dynamics of Villamaura's Social Classes. 5. Depression, Migration, and the Differentiation of Demographic Regimes
  • Pt. II. Fertility Decline. 6. Coitus Interruptus. 7. Theories of the European Fertility Decline. 8. Alternative Ways to Think About Culture and Population. 9. The Second Great Depression: Artisans, Peasants, and "Overpopulation" 10. The Bracciante Transition. 11. Festival of the Poor: Classism and Demographic Transition.