Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cybersecurity as a social phenomenon; Social influence; Heuristics and biases; Exploitation; Conclusion; References; 2
  • Towards an integrated socio-technical approach for designing adaptive privacy aware services in cloud computing; Introduction: privacy as a socially constructed phenomenon; Privacy risks within Cloud Computing Environments; Social aspects of privacy in Cloud Computing Environments; Social identity; Social capital
  • Technical aspects of privacy in Cloud Computing EnvironmentsThe emergence of the adaptive privacy aware systems; Towards an integrated socio-technical approach; Conclusion; References; 3
  • Challenges of using machine learning algorithms for cybersecurity: a study of threatclassification models applied to social media communication data; Introduction; Cybersecurity using social media as open source of information; Why is social media communication important for cybersecurity?; Learning-based approaches and processing techniques applied to textual communications; Supervised approach
  • Unsupervised and semisupervised approachPreprocessing social media content; Noise removal; Tokenization; Normalization; Stemming; Stop words removal; Vector transformation; Model evaluation and metrics; Use cases for learning-based model in cybersecurity problems; Detection of messages regarding vulnerabilities and exploitation of software products; Detection of hacker services and exploitation tools on marketplaces; The influential hackers of a forum are main topics; Sentiment analysis of hacker of hacker message; Challenges of data-driven research in cybersecurity and ethical considerations
  • Ethical consideration for using social media in cybersecurity researchAcknowledgements; References; Further reading; 4
  • 'Nothing up my sleeve': information warfare and the magical mindset; Introduction: welcome to the desert of the real; From bullets to bytes: war in the information age; 'Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain'
  • magic, misdirection and 'misinformation warfare'; Conclusion: a hogwarts for the cyber domain?; References; Further reading; 5
  • Digital hoarding behaviours: implications for cybersecurity; Physical hoarding; Digital possessions; Digital hoarding
  • Personal information managementImplications of digital hoarding; Our research; Implications of digital hoarding behaviours; Strategies for digital decluttering; Directions for future work; References; 6
  • A review of security awareness approaches: towards achieving communal awareness; Introduction; Designing an effective approach to increasing security awareness; Program content and delivery method; Underlying theory; Methodology; Search process; Search terms; Findings and discussions; Overview of theories used