Bibliografía: | ReferencesList of Websites; Chapter 5: Thermodynamic Origin of Phase Diagrams; 5.1. Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams in Systems with Complete Solid and Liquid Miscibility; 5.2. Binary Pressure-Composition Phase Diagrams; 5.3. Minima and Maxima in Two-Phase Regions; 5.4. Miscibility Gaps; 5.5. Simple Eutectic Systems; 5.5.1. Eutectic Microstructure and the Lever Rule; 5.6. Thermodynamic Origin of Simple Binary Phase Diagrams Illustrated by Regular Solution Theory; 5.7. Immiscibility-Montectics; 5.8. Intermediate Phases; 5.9. Limited Mutual Solubility-Ideal Henrian Solutions. |