
Geological belts, plate boundaries, and mineral deposits in Myanmar /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Mitchell, Andrew (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier, [2018]
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Machine generated contents note: PART 1
  • ch. 1 Introduction
  • 1. Why Myanmar?
  • 2. Morphological Features, Geological Provinces, and Mineral Deposits
  • 3. Geological Blocks, Belts, and Terranes
  • 4. Evolution of Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration
  • 5. Mineral Deposits and Production
  • 6. Organization of Contents
  • 7. Geographical Names and Geological Terms
  • References
  • ch. 2 Shan Plateau West of the Salween
  • 1. Plateau and Its Boundaries
  • 2. Stratigraphic Units and Granites
  • 2.1. Late Proterozoic Chaung Magyi Group and the Tawngpeng Granite
  • 2.2. Cambrian to Devonian, Northwestern Margin of the Shan Plateau
  • 2.3. Cambrian to Devonian, Pwin-Oo-Lwin, Mandalay Division
  • 2.4. Cambrian to Devonian of the Southern Shan State
  • 2.5. Carboniferous Taungnyo Group on the Shan Plateau
  • 2.6. Early Permian Magiye Conglomerate, Spinomartinia prolifica Shale, and Yinyaw Formation
  • 2.7. Plateau Limestone Group
  • 2.8. Uppermost Triassic to Cretaceous, Southern Shan State
  • 2.9. Uppermost Triassic to Cretaceous, Northern Shan State
  • 3. Selected Structural Features on the Shan Plateau
  • 4. Mineral Deposits on the Shan Plateau
  • 4.1. Quartz
  • Gold Veins in the Chaung Magyi Group
  • 4.2. Lead
  • Zinc
  • Silver Deposits Associated With Cambrian Rocks
  • 4.3. Carbonate-Hosted Lead
  • Zinc and Barite Mineralization
  • 4.4. Sabetaung Copper Prospect
  • 4.5. Sedimentary Ironstone Deposits
  • 4.6. Thayetchaung Gold
  • Copper Skarns, Konni Gold Mineralization, and Ye-bu Magnetic Anomaly
  • 4.7. Antimony Deposits and Occurrences
  • 4.8. Gemstone Deposits
  • References
  • ch. 3 Myanmar East of the Salween: The Sibumasu
  • Mong Yawng Arc Collision and Related Tin Mineralization
  • 1. Early Ideas on a Triassic Collision
  • 2. Inthanon Suture Zone and Related Magmatic Arc in Thailand and Yunnan
  • 3. Position of the Inthanon Suture Zone in Myanmar
  • 3.1. Western Margin of the Suture Zone in Myanmar
  • 3.2. Eastern Margin of the Suture Zone in Myanmar
  • 4. Eastern Limit of the Sukhothai (Mong Yawng) Arc in Myanmar
  • 5. Late Triassic Tin Granites in Northern Thailand and Yunnan East of the Salween
  • 6. Tin Granites and Associated Deposits in Eastern Myanmar
  • 6.1. Distribution
  • 6.2. Zircon U
  • Pb Ages (Table 3.2) and Hf Isotope Values in the Eastern Myanmar Granites and Their Tectonic Setting
  • 6.3. Mong Yawng Arc Basement and Generation of Its Granites
  • 6.4. Tin Production From Man Makhsan
  • 7. Manganese and Gold
  • 7.1. Manganese
  • 7.2. Gold
  • References
  • ch. 4 Mergui Group and Equivalents in the Slate Belt, Phayaungtaung and the Gaoligong Range (Northeastern Myanmar)
  • 1. Slate Belt, the Mergui Group, and the Karen
  • Tenasserim Unit
  • 2. Mergui and Taungnyo Groups in the Slate Belt
  • 2.1. Distribution, Lithology, and Age Constraints
  • 2.2. Stratigraphy and Boundaries of the Mergui Group
  • 2.3. Internal Structure of the Slate Belt
  • 2.4. Deposition and Emplacement of the Mergui Group
  • 2.5. Formations Overlying the Mergui Group in the Slate Belt
  • 2.6. Possible Allocthonous Rocks Within the Mergui Group
  • 2.7. Detrital Zircons in the Mergui Group and Its Relationship to the Shan Plateau
  • 3. Mergui Group in the Phayaungtaung Area
  • 4. Mergui Group in the Gaoligong Range, Northeastern Kachin State
  • 5. Mergui Group and the Chaung Magyi
  • References
  • ch. 5 Paung Laung
  • Mawchi Zone
  • 1. Main Features of the Zone
  • 2. Stratigraphy of Zone Segments
  • 2.1. Zawgyi Chaung (21�30'N) to Ye-bu (20�42'N)
  • 2.2. Ye-bu to Nam Mein Chaung (20�16'N) and the Ngayan Chaung Anticline
  • 2.3. Nam Mein Chaung to Lonlin
  • Leinli Chaungs (20�00'N)
  • 2.4. Lonlin Chaung to the Mawchi Mine
  • 3. Minor Intrusions Within the Zone
  • 4. Margins of the Paung Laung
  • Mawchi Zone
  • 4.1. Zone Margins North of Lebyin
  • 4.2. Zone Margins South of Lebyin
  • 5. Regional Structure of the Paung Laung
  • Mawchi Zone
  • 5.1. Previous Interpretations
  • 5.2. Possible Mid-Mesozoic Reconstructions and Preferred Interpretation
  • 5.3. Related Structures Within the Zone
  • 6. Paung Laung
  • Mawchi Zone Equivalent Northeast of Sedawgyi
  • 7. Mineralization in the Paung Laung
  • Mawchi Zone
  • 7.1. Lebyin and Yetayauk Antimony Deposits
  • 7.2. Quartz
  • Galena and Galena
  • Barite Veins in Jurassic Rocks, Pan Laung Valley
  • References
  • ch. 6 Granites, Minor Intrusions, and Mineralization in the Slate Belt, Phayaungtaung, and Gaoligong Range
  • 1. Granites and Minor Intrusions in the Slate Belt
  • 1.1. Slate Belt Granites as Part of the Western Granite Province
  • 1.2. Peraluminous, Reduced, Felsic I-Type, or A-Type Granites
  • 1.3. I-Type and Magnetite-Series Granites
  • 1.4. Hornfels Aureoles
  • 1.5. Minor Intrusions in the Slate Belt
  • 2. Tin and Tungsten Mineralization in the Slate Belt
  • 2.1. Production of Tin, Tungsten, and Tantalum
  • 2.2. Types and Styles of Mineralization
  • 2.3. Mineral Districts, Mines, and Production
  • 3. Granites and Tin Mineralization in the Gaoligong Range Myanmar and the Tengchong Region of Yunnan
  • 4. Tectonic Setting During Granite Generation and Mineralization
  • 5. Orogenic Gold Deposits in the Slate Belt, Phayauntaung, and the Gaoligong Range
  • 5.1. Lode and Alluvial Gold in the Slate Belt
  • 5.2. Quartz-Gold Veins at Phayaungtaung
  • 5.3. Quartz-Gold Veins in the Gaoligong Range
  • 5.4. Tectonic Settings During Orogenic Gold Mineralization
  • 6. Other Mineralization in the Slate Belt
  • 6.1. Antimony (Stibnite Ore)
  • 6.2. I-Type Granitic Intrusions and Associated Copper Mineralization
  • References
  • ch. 7 Mogok Metamorphic Belt
  • 1. Distribution of the Metamorphic Belt
  • 2. Mogok Segment, 96�15'E to Kachin State Border
  • 3. Northern Segment, Eastern Kachin State
  • 3.1. Kachin State Border to 27�N
  • 3.2. From 27�N to Northernmost Myanmar
  • 4. Central Segment: Wapyudaung to Zawgyi River (Kyaukse South)
  • 4.1. Wapyudaung to Sedawgyi
  • 4.2. Sedawgyi Through Mandalay to the Zawgyi River
  • 5. Shan Scarps From the Zawgyi River to Mokpalin
  • 5.1. Zawgyi River to Payangazu and Yebokson Granodiorite
  • 5.2. Payangazu to Nattaung Quarry
  • 5.3. Tatkon Through Nancho Chaung to Mokpalin-Kyaikhtiyo
  • 6. Taninthari Coast, Thaton to Mergui
  • 7. Selected Features of the Mogok Metamorphic Belt
  • 7.1. North
  • South Continuity of the Belt
  • 7.2. Eastern Boundary in the Shan Scarps: The Sakhanya Taung Fault
  • 7.3. Extensional Faults Within or Beside the Mogok Belt
  • 8. Metamorphic Ages in the Mogok Belt
  • 8.1. Ages From Stratigraphic Correlation and Constraints From Cross-cutting Granites
  • 8.2. Isotopic Ages and Tertiary Metamorphic Events
  • 9. Mogok Metamorphic Belt and the Mergui Group
  • 10. Gemstones in the Mogok Metamorphic Belt
  • 10.1. Mogok Gem Fields: Ruby and Sapphire
  • 10.2. Pyenlong (Pyinlon) Ruby
  • 10.3. Putao Ruby, Mali Hka Spinel, and Beryl
  • 11. Gold Mineralization in the Mogok Metamorphic Belt
  • 11.1. Shante Gold District
  • 11.2. Thayetkon Quartz-Gold Veins, Pyinmana East
  • 11.3. Gold Mineralization in Northeastern Kachin State
  • 12. Lead-Zinc-Silver and Tin Occurrences
  • 12.1. Pb-Ag Mineralization West of the Nmai Hka, Northeastern Kachin State
  • 12.2. Paungdaw Pb-Zn-Ag Prospect
  • 12.3. Tin Occurrences in the Nancho Chaung Area
  • 13. Ruby Formation, Gold Mineralization, and Uplift of the Belt
  • References
  • ch.
  • 8 Tagaung-Myitkyina Belt and Katha-Gangaw Range
  • 1. Tagaung-Myitkyina Belt
  • 1.1. Tagaung Taung to Shweli River
  • 1.2. Shweli River to Second Defile of the Ayeyawaddy
  • 1.3. Second Defile to First Defile and Myitkyina
  • 1.4. Myitkyina to Myitsone
  • 1.5. Myitsone to Putao and the Indian Border
  • 1.6. Ngapyawdaw Chaung Formation as a Stratigraphic Unit
  • 2. Katha
  • Gangaw Range
  • 3. Mineral Deposits and Prospects in the Tagaung
  • Myitkyina Belt
  • 3.1. Chromite and Nickel Silicates at Tagaung Taung
  • 3.2. Copper Sulfides at Nankesan
  • 3.3. Quartz
  • Gold Veins at Set Ga Doun
  • 3.4. Paladokhta
  • Subok Taung Copper Skarn District
  • 3.5. Mesothermal (and Epithermal?) Quartz
  • Gold Veins Near the Second Defile and at Pyae Pyat
  • 4. Tectonic Events in the Tagaung-Myitkyina Belt
  • 4.1. Eastward Obduction of Ophiolite on to Sundaland
  • 4.2. Reversal in Orogenic Polarity and Generation of Arc Rocks in the Tagaung
  • Myitkyina Belt
  • 4.3. Projected Continuation of the Tagaung
  • Myitkyina Belt
  • References
  • ch. 9 Popa
  • Loimye Magmatic Arc
  • 1. Definition and Arc Segments
  • 2. Kawt-a-Bum
  • Tatlet
  • Mt Loimye Arc Segment
  • 2.1. Kawt-a-Bum Volcanic Rocks and Gold Mineralization
  • 2.2. Mount Loimye Stratovolcano
  • 2.3. Tatlet Gold-Working Site
  • 2.4. Alluvial Platinum Group Elements Southwest of Indawgyi Lake
  • 3. Wuntho
  • Banmauk Segment
  • 3.1. Location and Previous Work
  • 3.2. Prebatholith Stratigraphy
  • 3.3. Kanzachaung Batholith and Pinhinga Plutonic Complex
  • 3.4. Isotopic Ages of the Batholith and Pre-Tertiary Minor Intrusions
  • 3.5. Postbatholith Stratigraphy
  • 3.6. Mineral Deposits and Prospects
  • 4. Monywa
  • Salingyi and Shinmataung Segment
  • 4.1. Location
  • 4.2. Geology of Monywa
  • Salingyi Uplift
  • 4.3. Geology of Shinmataung Range
  • 4.4. Isotopic Ages at Monywa
  • Salingyi
  • 4.5. Asymmetry of the Uplift
  • 4.6. Monywa Copper Deposits
  • 4.7. Epithermal Quartz
  • Gold Vein Prospects at Monywa
  • 5. Mount Popa Segment
  • 5.1. Stratigraphy at Mt Popa.
  • Note continued: 5.2. Hydrothermal Alteration
  • 5.3. Epithermal Gold Mineralization at Myeze Taung, Pegu Yoma
  • 6. Buried Magmatic Arc Beneath the Ayeyawaddy Delta
  • 7. Age and Duration of Subduction-Related Magmatism
  • 8. Arc Basement
  • 9. Continuation of the Arc Beyond Kawt-a-Bum
  • References
  • ch. 10 Central Burma Depression and Its Petroleum Occurrences / Michael F. Ridd
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1. Outline History of the Petroleum Industry
  • 1.2. Outline of the Stratigraphy
  • 1.3. Paleogeography
  • 2. Basins of the Fore-Arc Domain
  • 2.1. Hukawng Basin
  • 2.2. Chindwin Basin
  • 2.3. Salin Basin
  • 2.4. Pyay Basin
  • 2.5. Ayeyarwady Delta
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • ch. 11 Indo-Burman Ranges and the Arakan Coastal Lowland
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Eastern Belt of the Indo-Burman Ranges
  • 2.1. Kanpetlet Schist and Probable Equivalent Metamorphic Rocks
  • 2.2. Upper Triassic Pane Chaung Group
  • 2.3. Ultramafic and Associated Metamorphic Rocks
  • 2.4. Basalts and Cherts at Eastern Margin of Chin Hills and Arakan Yoma
  • 2.5. Mafic Dykes, Hornblende Pegmatites, and Isotopic Ages
  • 2.6. Paung Chaung Limestone and Serpentinite Sheets, Western Outcrops
  • 2.7. Kabaw Formation and the Kabaw Fault, "Western Outcrops"
  • 3. Western Belt of the Indo-Burman Ranges
  • 3.1. Western Belt in the Chin Hills and Northern Arakan Yoma
  • 3.2. Western Belt in the Naga Hills and the Southern Arakan Yoma
  • 4. Sin Chaung Zone of Exotics and Globotruncana Limestone in the Eastern Belt
  • 5. Arakan Coastal Lowland
  • 6. Evolution of the Indo-Burman Ranges, Arakan Coastal Belt, and Cretaceous Rocks of the Fore-Arc Basin
  • 6.1. Indo-Burman Ranges as an Imbricate Wedge and Correlation With Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone
  • 6.2. Triassic Flysch Deposition on the Mt Victoria (Argo) Land Passive Margin and West-Vergent Orogeny
  • 6.3. Triassic Flysch Deposition on the Passive Myanmar Margin and East-Vergent Orogeny
  • 6.4. West-Vergent Nappe Stacking on Passive Gondwana Margin, Arc Reversal, Rifting, and Emplacement on the Myanmar Passive Margin
  • 6.5. Discussion
  • 6.6. Preferred Interpretation
  • 7. Indo-Burman Ranges and the Tagaung
  • Myitkyina Belt
  • 8. Lateritic Nickel, Chromite, and Copper Prospects in the Indo-Burman Ranges
  • 8.1. Mwedaung Lateritic Nickel Prospect, Northern Chin Hills
  • 8.2. Webula Taung Chromite Occurrences and Copper
  • Nickel Anomalies
  • 8.3. Copper Prospects in the Arakan and Southern Chin Foothills
  • References
  • ch. 12 Exploration History and Petroleum Geology of Offshore Myanmar / Andrew Racey
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1. Overview
  • 1.2. Tectonic Setting
  • 1.3. Offshore Hydrocarbon Resource Distribution and Size
  • 2. Myanmar Exploration History
  • 2.1. Historical Background: Onshore
  • 2.2. Early Offshore Exploration
  • 2.3. Exploration Metrics
  • 3. Rakhine Region
  • 3.1. Geological Setting
  • 3.2. Exploration History
  • 3.3. Petroleum Occurrences and Plays
  • 3.4. Key Geological Risks
  • 4. Moattama Region
  • 4.1. Geological Setting
  • 4.2. Exploration History
  • 4.3. Proven Petroleum Plays
  • 4.4. Key Geological Risks
  • 5. Tanintharyi Region
  • 5.1. Geological Setting
  • 5.2. Exploration History
  • 5.3. Proven Plays
  • 5.4. Key Geological Risks
  • 6. Summary and Future Potential
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • ch. 13 Hukawng Basin, the Amber Mines, and the Orbitolina Limestone
  • 1. Geology of the Basin
  • 2. Amber Mines
  • 3. Mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina Limestones
  • References
  • ch. 14 Jade Mines
  • Loimaw Uplift
  • 1. Location and Regional Setting
  • 2. Tanai River Section (26�N Uplift)
  • 3. Hpakant-Tawmaw, Nat Hmaw, and Mawlu-Mawhun Jadeite Areas
  • 3.1. Geology of the Hpakant-Tawmaw Area
  • 3.2. Jade Types and Jadeite Deposits at Hpakant-Tawmaw
  • 3.3. Geology and Jadeite at Nat Hmaw and the Khampti Area
  • 3.4. Mawlu-Mawhun Area
  • 3.5. Formation and Emplacement of the Primary Jadeite
  • 3.6. Amber Mines South of Nam Si Bon
  • 4. Indawgyi Mafic Complex and Platinum Group Element Occurrences
  • 4.1. Geology and Mineralization
  • 4.2. Origin of the Indawgyi Gabbros
  • 5. Kyaukpahto Mine and Taungzaw and Gegalaw Gold Prospects
  • 5.1. Kyaukpahto Mine
  • 5.2. Taungzaw and Gegalaw Gold Prospects
  • 6. Nanyaseik Ruby Fields
  • 7. Lateritic Iron Ore Occurrences
  • 8. Relationship of the Uplift to Other Belts
  • References
  • ch. 15 Kumon Range
  • 1. Location and Regional Setting
  • 2. Geology
  • 3. Alluvial Gold Workings
  • References
  • ch. 16 Chaun Kan Gneiss and the India Collision Zone in Northwestern Myanmar
  • References
  • ch. 17 Popa
  • Loimye Arc, Correlations With Tibet, and Alluvial Diamonds in Myanmar
  • 1. Former Position of the Popa
  • Loimye Arc Relative to Myanmar East of the Sagaing Fault
  • 2. Continuation of the Popa
  • Loimye Arc Into Tibet
  • 2.1. Gangdise and Lohit Batholiths
  • 2.2. Detrital Zircons in the Chindwin Basin and Correlation With Tibet
  • 2.3. Miocene Correlations and Porphyry Copper Systems in Myanmar and Tibet
  • 3. Correlation of Unconformities in the Shan Scarps and Central Tibet
  • 4. Alluvial Diamonds in Myanmar
  • 4.1. Diamonds in the Momeik Valley, Mogok Belt
  • 4.2. Diamonds in the Shan Scarps, Taninthari, and the Hukawng Valley
  • 4.3. Source of the Diamonds
  • References
  • ch. 18 Myanmar Orogens and Flysch, Potential for Mineral Discoveries, and Shan Scarps and Jade Mines Cross Sections
  • 1. Alpine Subduction Analogy for Myanmar Orogenic Belts
  • 1.1. East-Vergent Orogens
  • 1.2. West-Vergent Orogens
  • 1.3. Mineralization and Structural Elements Within the Orogens
  • 2. Some Areas of Mineral Potential in Myanmar
  • 3. Extensional Faults and the Mergui Group
  • 4. Cross Section West of the Jade Mines Uplift
  • Reference.