Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Numerical Computation Using C; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Acknowledgements; CHAPTER 0. INTRODUCTION; Some Compilation/Run-time Tips; How to Obtain the Programs; CHAPTER 1. STD TUTORIAL; First Principles; Do While Loops; If-Else Constructs; Printf Format Specifiers; Logical and Other Operators; C Functions; C Arrays; C Structures; Complex Arithmetic; The Switch Statement; Break, Continue and GoTo Statements; CHAPTER 2. POINTERS; Definition and Examples; Function Pointers; Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays; Vectors, Matrices and Dynamic Memory Allocation.
  • Manipulation of IndicesCommand-Line Arguments; File I/O: Reading and Writing Files; CHAPTER 3. FINE POINTS; The Increment Operators; Operator Precedence; The for Statement; The Use of the ""shorthand"" operators; The Use of stderr; The Use of the realloc Statement; Conditional Compiler Directives; Recursion; Location of Include Files; puts vs printf; Creating a Pause; ASCII Translation; Global, Automatic and Static Variables; The Use of awk; extern Variables; Nesting Rules; Comments Revisited; Structures Revisited; CHAPTER 4. APPLICATIONS; The Conjugate Gradient Method.
  • An Initial-Value Problem for a System of Two Ordinary Differential EquationsA Boundary-Value Problem for a Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation; A More General Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problem; An Unusual Ordinary Differential Equation; The Heat Equation with Variable Conductivity; Laguerre's Method; Romberg Integration; Fourier Coefficients; Gauss-Laguerre Integration; Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Matrix; The Generalized Eigenvalue Problem; The Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem; Jacobi's Method; The Symmetric QR Algorithm; Cubic Splines; Linear Systems; Newton's Method for Systems.
  • Poisson's Equation and SORAPPENDIX I. Complex Arithmetic Functions; APPENDIX II. Memory Allocation Functions; APPENDIX III. Plotting Files; APPENDIX IV. C Keywords; REFERENCES; INDEX.