Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; New Trends and Advanced Techniques in Clinical Neurophysiology; Copyright Page; Foreword; List of Contributors; Table of Contents; Section I: Signal Processing and Source Analysis; Chapter 1. Magnetic Evoked Fields of the Human Brain:Basic Principles and Applications; Introduction; Somatomotor system; Auditory system; Concluding remarks; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 2. Physiologic Mechanisms Underlyingthe Generation of Far-Field Potentials; Introduction; Human studies on peripheral nerve conduction; In vitro experiment using dissected nerves.
  • Physiologic basis of junctional potentialDiscussion; References; Chapter 3. Beware of the Average Reference in Brain Mapping; References; Chapter 4. Topographic Maps of Single Sweep Long-Latency Median Nerve SEPs; Introduction; Methods and materials; Results; Conclusions; References; Chapter 5. A Comparative EEG/MEG Equivalent DipoleStudy of the Pattern Onset Visual Response; Introduction; Materials and methods; Results; Discussion; Appendix; References; Chapter 6. Technical Requirements for Evoked PotentialMonitoring in the Intensive Care Unit; Introduction.
  • (C) Facilitation and inhibition of synaptic transmission within the spinal cord as demonstrated by changes in the central delay of the H reflex pathway(Ratto et al. 1986)Conclusions and perspectives; References; Chapter 8. Physiology and Clinical Applications of Hand Muscle Reflexes; Introduction; Methods and normative data of electricallyelicited hand muscle reflexes; Physiological aspects of hand muscle reflexes; Pathological patterns of hand muscle reflexes; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References.
  • Chapter 9. Electrophysiological Assessment of Nociception inNormals and Patients: the Use of Nociceptive ReflexesIntroduction; Nociceptive reflexes in normal human; Nociceptive reflexes in clinical practice; Conclusions; References; Chapter 10. Vestibular Evoked Potentials with Short and Middle Latencies Recorded in Humans; Introduction; Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; References; Chapter 11. Methodological and Physiological Aspects of Motor EvokedPotentials; Introduction; Theory and methods; Physiological aspects; Measurements of cortico-spinal tract excitability.