
Strength of materials a course for students.

Strength of Materials: A Course for Students deals with theories of stress analysis. The book describes simple stress, strain, and strain energy and defines, with appropriate formulas, commonly used terms such as load, elasticity, tensile test, and temperature stresses. The text then analyzes the mo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Black, Peter, 1915-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press [1966]
Edición:[1st ed.].
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Strength of Materials: A Course for Students; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; PREFACE; SYMBOLS; CHAPTER I . SIMPLE STRESS, STRAIN AND STRAIN ENERGY; Load; Stress; Strain; Elasticity; Rigidity; The Tensile Test; Strain Energy; Simple Load Shared by Two Materials-Compound Column; Temperature Stresses; Examples; CHAPTER II. BEAMS I-BENDING MOMENT; Moment of a Force Producing Bending; Beam Rigidly Supported at One end with Concentrated Load at the Other; Cantilever with Several Concentrated Loads; Simple Span with Central Load; Simply Supported Beam with Several Concentrated Loads
  • Beam with Loaded Ends Overhanging SupportsGeneral Case; Cantilever with Uniform Load; Simply Supported Beam with Uniform Load; Uniformly Loaded Beam with Simple Supports Not at Ends; Examples II; CHAPTER III. 1st AND 2nd MOMENTS; Centroid; 1st Moment of Area; 1st Moment of Mass; 2nd Moment of Area; 2nd Moment of Mass; Examples III; CHAPTER IV. BEAMS II-SIMPLE BENDING; Simple Bending; Examples IV; CHAPTER V. BEAMS III-SIMPLE SHEAR; Shear Force in Beams (F); Relation Between w, F and M; Examples V; CHAPTER VI. BENDING WITH DIRECT STRESS; Composite Beams; Reinforced Concrete Beams
  • Bending Combined with Direct StressExamples VI; CHAPTER VII. TORSION; Modulus of Rigidity; Torsional Strain Energy; Helical Spring-Effects of Axial Load; Examples VII; CHAPTER VIII. COMPLEX STRESS I; Shear Stress Resulting from a Tensile Load; Complementary Shear; Bulk or Volumetric Strain; Poisson's Ratio; Relation Between the Elastic Constants; Examples VIII; CHAPTER IX. COMPLEX STRESS I I; Principal Planes and Stresses; Principal Strains; Theories of Elastic Failure; Combined Bending and Torsion; Examples IX; CHAPTER X. BEAMS IV-DEFLECTION; Flexure and Radius of Curvature
  • Moment-Area MethodLeaf, Laminated or Plate Springs; Summary of Conventions used in the Theory of Simple Bending; Examples X; CHAPTER XI. STRAIN ENERGY OF BENDING; Examples XI; CHAPTER XII. SHEAR STRESS DUE TO BENDING; Shear in Beams; Examples XII; CHAPTER XIII. STRUTS; Struts Subject to Axial Load; Examples XIII; CHAPTER XIV. THICK AND THIN CYLINDERS; Stresses in a Thick Tube; Tensile Stress in a Thin Rim Due to Rotation; Change in Volume Under Load; Examples XIV; INDEX