Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Two tests of computer microsimulation. The effect of an incest tabu on population viability; and The effect of age differences between spouses on the skewing of consanguineal relationships between them / E.A. Hammel and David Hutchinson
  • Computer simulation of incest prohibition and clan proscription rules in closed, finite populations / Kenneth Morgan
  • An empirical perspective on simulation models of human population / Nancy Howell
  • Estimation of changing rates by simulation / Bennett Dyke
  • Simulation over space / Anthony Williams, John Longfellow and Charles Monroe
  • Simulating information and innovation diffusion processes / Gerhard J. Hanneman
  • Models applicable to geographic variation in man / Alice M. Brues
  • Recessive lethals and the birth interval / David L. Rossmann and William J. Schull
  • A brief discussion of the role of co-adapted sets in the process of adaptation / John H. Holland
  • Simulation of small human populations / M.H. Skolnick and C. Cannings
  • Avoidance of incest : genetic and demographic consequences / Jean Walters MacCluer
  • A simulation of the fate of a mutant gene of neutral selective value in a primitive population / Francis H.F. Li and James V. Neel
  • Simulating human reproduction : how complicated should a model be? / Albert Jacquard and Henri L�eridon
  • Research and experience with demographic simulation models / Hannes Hyrenius
  • The evaluation of four alternative family planning programs for Popland, a less developed country / A.V. Rao [and others]
  • Applications of POPREP, a modification of POPSIM / P.A. Lachenbruch, M.C. Sheps and A.M. Sorant
  • The assessment of three methods of estimating births averted / Alice S. Clague and Jeanne Clare Ridley
  • The time response in averted births / J.C. Barrett
  • A migration model / Arthur S. Boughey, James B. Pick and Gordon N. Schick
  • On mathematics of population simulation models / B.V. Shah
  • Footnotes on implications of aggregated data used in population simulation / Peter Kunstadter
  • Computer generation of random variates / William M. Stiteler III
  • The use of DYSTAL in simulation / James M. Sakoda
  • Special purpose simulation languages for population studies / F. Paul Wyman.