Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Vectors for gene transfer in higher plants / Frank F. White
  • Methods for transforming plant cells / Ray Wu
  • Techniques in plant cell and tissue culture / David A. Evans
  • Selected topics in the genetic manipulation of the nuclear genome / R.J. Griesbach
  • Regulation and expression of plant genes in microorganisms / A.A. Gatenby
  • The molecular architecture of plant genes and their regulation / Keith Elliston and Joachim Messing
  • Induction, commitment, and progression of plant embryogenesis / J.H. Choi and Zinmay R. Sung
  • Photoregulation of gene expression in plants / John C. Watson
  • Hormonal and stress regulation of gene expression in cereal aleurone layers / Tuan-hua David Ho
  • Auxin-regulated gene expression in plants / Athanasios Theologis
  • Cytokinin-modulated macromolecular synthesis and gene expression / Chong-maw Chen.
  • (Cont) Organization and expression of genes for photosynthetic pigments-protein complexes in photosynthetic bacteria / Yu Sheng Zhu and John E. Hearst
  • Organization and expression of the nicotiana chloroplast genome / Masahiro Sugiura
  • Genetic manipulation of the chloroplast genome / John C. Gray
  • A perspective on the biotechnology of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase / Harry Roy
  • Applications of nucleic acid electron microscopy and in situ hybridization techniques in the study of plant genomes / Madeline Wu
  • Molecular evolution of nicotiana chloroplast genomes / Shain-dow Kung
  • Genetic engineering for crop improvement / Robert T. Fraley.