Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Two-dimensional random fields / P. Bickel and M. Rosenblatt
  • Concepts of consistency in spectral estimation for multivariate time series / F. Eicker
  • Non-anticipative canonical representations of equivalent Gaussian processes / G. Kallianpur
  • Abstract martingales and ergodic theory / M.M. Rao
  • On the modelling and estimation of communication channels / W.L. Root
  • Innovation and nonanticipative processes / Yu. A. Rozanov
  • Methods for assessing multivariate normality / D.F. Andrews, R. Gnanadesikan and J.L. Warner
  • Asymptomatic expansions for the distributions of characteristic roots when the parameter matrix has several multiple roots / A.K. Chattopadhyay and K.C.S. Pillai
  • Aspects of the multinomial logit model / A.P. Dempster
  • Inference and redundant parameters / D.A.S. Fraser
  • The variance information manifold and the functions on it / A.T. James
  • Stopping time in sequential samples from multivariate exponential families / R.A. Wijsman
  • An isomorphism method for the study of I₀[superscript n] / Roger Cuppens
  • A characterization of the multivariate geometric distribution / Eugene Lukacs
  • On infinitely decomposable probability distributions, and helical varieties in Hilbert space / P. Masani
  • Limit laws for sequences of normed sums satisfying some stability conditions / K. Urbanik
  • The analysis of time series collected in an experimental design / David R. Brillinger
  • Max-min designs in the analysis of variance / R.H. Farrell
  • Analysis of covariance structures / K.G. J�oreskog
  • Optimum designs for fitting biased multiresponse surfaces / J. Kiefer
  • Asymptotic properties of some sequential nonparametric estimators in some multivariate linear models / Pranab Kumar Sen and Malay Ghosh
  • Availability theory for multicomponent systems / Richard E. Barlow and Frank Proschan
  • Some measures for discriminating between normal multivariate distributions with unequal covariance matrices / Herman Chernoff
  • Correlation and affinity in Gaussian cases / Kameo Matusita
  • Identification of the structure of multivariable stochastic systems / M.B. Priestley, T. Subba Rao and H. Tong
  • An information function approach to dimensionality analysis and curved manifold clustering / J.N. Srivastava
  • Nonlinear iterative partial least squares (NIPALS) modeling : some current developments / Herman Wold.