Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Doyle, G.A. and Bearder, S.K. The galagines of South Africa. Petter, J.-J. The aye aye--Mittermeier, R.A. and Coimbra-Filho, A.F. Conservation of the Brazilian lion tamarins
  • Mittermeier, R.A. et al. Rediscovery and conservation of the Peruvian yellow tailed woolly monkey
  • Mittermeier, R.A. Primate conservation in Brazilian Amazonia
  • Fontaine, R. and DuMond, F.V. The red Ouakari in a seminatural environment, potential for propagation and study
  • Dittus, W.P.J. The socioecological basis for the conservation of the toque monkey of Sri Lanka
  • Deag, J.M. The status of the barbary macaque Macaca sylvanus in captivity and factors influencing its distribution in the wild
  • Green, S. and Minkowski, K. The lion tailed monkey and its south Indian rain-forest habitat
  • Southwick, C.H. and Siddiqui, M.F. Population dynamics of rhesus monkeys in northern India
  • Dunbar, R.I.M. The gelada baboon, status and conservation
  • Kalter, S.S. The baboon
  • Oates, J.F. The guereza and man
  • Oppenheimer, J.R. Presbytis entellus, the Hanuman langur
  • Lippold, L.K. The Douc langur, a time for conservation
  • Chivers, D.J. The lesser apes
  • Goodall, A.G. and Groves, C.P. The conservation of eastern gorillas.