Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Prehistory of the Nile Valley; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; List of Contributors; Introduction; Preface; Acknowledgments; PART 1: Description; Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Physiography of the NileValley; Physiographic Divisions; Chapter 2. General Geology of the El-Kilh Area; Variegated Shale; Chapter 3. QuaternaryStratigraphy and Archaeology of the El-Kilh Area; Introduction; The El-Kilh Sites; Discussion of the Stratigraphy at El-Kilh; Chapter 4. Geology of the Isna Area (West of the Nile); Stratigraphy; Structures
  • Chapter 5. Quaternary Geology and Archaeology of the Isna AreaIntroduction; Sites at Deir El-Fakhuri; Sites in the Vicinity of Wadi No. 6; Sites Near Thomas Afia Village; Sites Near No. 4 Village; Miscellaneous Sites in the Reclamation Area; General Reconstruction of the Fossil Landscape in the Isna Area; Chapter 6. Geology of the Dandara Area; Chapter 7. Survey of the West Bank from the Valley of the Kings to Gebel El-Duqm; Summary of Events in the Dandara Area; Chapter 8. Geology of the Dishna-Makhadma Area; Chapter 9. Quaternary Geology and Archaeology of the Makhadma Area
  • Chapter 10. Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Archaeology of the Dishna AreaIntroduction; Older Units; Later Stratigraphy; The Dishna Sites; General Reconstruction of the Fossil Landscape at Dishna; Chapter 11. Geology of the Fayum Depression; Chapter 12. Archaeology and Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the Northern Fayum Depression; Introduction; Recent Work in the Northern Fayum; The Oldest or Paleomoeris Lake; The Premoeris (Terminal Paleolithic) Lake; Summary of the Holocene Lacustine Events in the Fayum Depression; PART 2: Synthesis; Chapter 13.The Older Nilotic Deposits
  • Rethinking the Dibeira-Jer and Ballana Formations of NubiaThe Deir El-Fakhuri Recession; Rethinking the Sahaba Aggradation; The Post-Sahaba-Darau Recession; Later Nile Sediments; Appendix A: Diatoms from the Site E71K14, Area A, Trench 1, Upper Diatomaceous Silt (Unit 4, Figure 31); Appendix B: Mineral Analysis of Samples from Site E71K14,Areas A and D; Appendix C: Analysis of Grainfrom Sites E71K14 and E71K15; Appendix D: Heavy Mineral Analysis of Some Pleistocene Sediments in the Nile Valley; Introduction; Samples; Results and Discussion; References
  • Appendix E: X-Ray Mineralogyof Some Quaternary Nile SedimentsReferences; Appendix F: Granulometric Analysis of the Sand Fraction of Some Quaternary Nile Sediments; References; Appendix G: Freshwater Mollusks and Mammals from Upper Palaeolithic Sites Near Idfu and Isna; Mollusks; Mammals; Discussion; Acknowledgments; References; Appendix H: Animal Remains from Localities Near Dishna; References; Appendix I: Animal Remains from Archeological Sites of Terminal Paleolithic to Old Kingdom Age in the Fayum; Introduction; Description of the material; Discussion and Conclusions; References