Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Manufacturing Assembly Handbook; Copyright Page; Preface; Foreword; Table of Contents; Chapter 1. Introduction; 1.1 Assembly; 1.2 Status of assembly in the production operation; Chapter 2. Product design as a requirement for economic assembly; 2.1 Product design; 2.2 Assembly-extended ABC analysis; Chapter 3. Manual assembly; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Principles of work-point arrangement; 3.3 Organizational forms of manual assembly; Chapter 4. Primary-secondary analysis
  • an aid for the determination of the economic efficiency of assembly concepts; 4.1 Introduction.
  • 4.2 Definition of the efficiency of assembly operations4.3 Field of application; 4.4 Application example of assembly analysis by primary and secondary activity; 4.5 Extended analysis in terms of primary and secondary requirements for the total sequence of an assembly operation; 4.6 Practical examples; Chapter 5. Modules for the automation of assembly processes; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Feeder units; 5.3 Handling equipment; 5.4 Transfer equipment; 5.5 Screw-inserting units; 5.6 Riveting units; 5.7 Welding units; 5.8 Soldering equipment; 5.9 Bonding; Chapter 6. Design of assembly machines.
  • 6.1 Introduction6.2 Single-station assembly machines; 6.3 Multi-station assembly machines; 6.4 Combining assembly machines to form assembly lines; 6.5 Integration of manual work points in automated assembly lines; 6.6 Uncycled assembly lines including manual work points; 6.7 Availability of assembly systems; Chapter 7. Design of flexible-assembly systems; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Primary-secondary fine analysis with the application of assembly robots; 7.3 Working space; 7.4 Gripper; 7.5 The design of flexible single-station assembly cells.
  • 7.6 Assembly lines with flexible-assembly cells, interconnected by manual work pointsChapter 8. Stored program controllers; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Design of stored program controllers; 8.3 Programming equipment; 8.4 Modules; 8.5 Operating system; 8.6 Programming of SPCs; 8.7 Ease of maintenance; 8.8 Availability; 8.9 Data exchange; Chapter 9. Practical examples; 9.1 Assembly machines; 9.2 Flexible-assembly systems; Chapter 10. The integration of parts manufacturing processes into assembly equipment or of assembly operations into parts production equipment; 10.1 Introduction.
  • 10.2 Integrated parts production10.3 The production machining of parts in assembly equipment; 10.4 Practical example: Assembly system with integrated parts production; 10.5 The integration of assembly processes into parts production processes; 10.6 The integration of parts production into assembly equipment within the concept of just-in-time production; 10.7 Limits for the integration of production processes; Chapter 11. Planning and efficiency of automated assembly systems; 11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Requirement list; 11.3 Product analysis; 11.4 Assembly sequence analysis.