Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover
  • Clinical and Experimental Toxicology of Organophosphates and Carbamates
  • Copyright Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Contributors
  • Abbreviations used in the text
  • Chapter 1. Overview of the biological and clinical aspects of organophosphates and carbamates
  • Chemistry
  • Nomenclature of antiChEs
  • Ecological aspects
  • ChEs and cholinergic function
  • Toxicology
  • References
  • Chapter 2. Biochemical determination of cholinesterase activity in biological fluids and tissues
  • Introduction
  • How to preserve sample qualityAnalytical methods
  • References
  • Chapter 3. Histochemical localization of cholinesterase in anticholinesterase poisoning
  • Introduction
  • Histochemical methods
  • Cytochemical methods
  • References
  • Chapter 4. Pharmacology and toxicology of organophosphates
  • Historical note
  • Mechanism of action
  • Cholinergic nerves
  • Pharmacology
  • Toxicology
  • Therapeutic applications
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Chapter 5. Pharmacology and toxicology of carbamates
  • Introduction
  • Pharmacological action of CB drugsToxicological action of CB insecticides
  • References
  • Chapter 6. Structure-activity relationships and anticholinesterase activity
  • Introduction
  • Kinetics of AChE inhibition
  • Structure of AChE
  • OP compounds
  • Carbamates
  • References
  • Chapter 7. Neurobehavioural toxicology of anticholinesterases
  • Introduction
  • Influence of antiChEs on sensory function
  • Influence of antiChEs on cognitive function
  • Influence of antiChEs on motor function
  • Influence of antiChEs on affective functionDiscussion
  • References
  • Chapter 8. Central neurotoxicity and behavioural effects of anticholinesterases
  • Introduction
  • Cholinergic system in the CNS
  • Biochemical effects of antiChEs on CNS
  • Clinical and behavioural effects on CNS of antiChEs
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Chapter 9. Acute and subchronic neurotoxicity and cardiotoxicity of anticholinesterases
  • Introduction
  • Neurotoxicity
  • Cardiac effects
  • References
  • Chapter 10. Molecular events in delayed neuropathy: experimental aspects of neuropathy target esteraseIntroduction
  • A review of statements about NTE and OPIDP
  • Molecular events at the target
  • A review of questions about NTE and OPIDP
  • Other recent studies of NTE
  • General conclusion
  • References
  • Chapter 11. Validation of a rodent model of organophosphorus-induced delayed neuropathy
  • Introduction
  • Distribution of neuropathic damage in rat OPIDN
  • Biochemical index of rat OPIDN
  • Manipulation of OPIDN in the rat