Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; The Office of the Future: Communication and Computers; Copyrihgt Page; INTRODUCTION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; PREFACE; Table of Contents; PART I: USES OF COMPUTERS IN THE OFFICE OF THE FUTURE; Chapter I.1 Introduction; The Personal Computer; The Information Explosion and Office Productivity; Chapter I.2
  • The Automated Office of the Future; Functions of the Office and Office Workers; Activities Comprising the Planning Process; Other Processes in the Office; Definition of the Automated Office; Chapter I.3
  • Tools to Support the Communication Activity; Introduction
  • Basic Message System ConceptsExisting Computer Based Message Systems; The Impact of Computer Networks; Potential Problem Areas; Chapter I. 4
  • Text Editing Tools For Generating, Organizing, Analyzing and Transforming Information; Generating Information; Organizing Information; Analyzing Information; Transforming Information; The Problem of ""Hard-Copy"" Information; Chapter I.5
  • The Integration of Computer Based Tools; The Importance of Networks; Interfaces to Distributed Tools; The Problem of Grammar; One Approach to the Grammar Problem; Development of Standard Grammars
  • Personalizing the User InteractionAn Approach to Personalizing the Interaction; Problems That Accompany Personalization; Chapter I.6
  • Data Gathering and Information Retrieval Tools; Data Gathering by Electronic ""Forms""; Retrieval Tools; Chapter I.7
  • Coordination Tools in the Office of the Future; Real Time Coordination; Non-Real-Time Coordination Tools; Intra
  • Organizational Coordination Tools; Scheduling Tools; Distributed ''Meetings''; Computer Conferencing; Definition Of A Conference; Examples Of Computer Conferencing Systems; Capabilities of Computer Conferencing Systems
  • Some Potential Problems of Computer ConferencesChapter I.8
  • Tools to Support Office Processes; Planning Tools; Business Programming Tools; Budgeting Tools; Other Tools to Support Office Processes; Chapter I.9
  • Organization To Implement Interactive Computer Based Office Support Systems; Functions Which Must Be Performed
  • The Wholesale Function; Functions Which Must Be Performed
  • The Retail Function; Chapter I.10
  • Integration of the Spoken Word With Interactive Computer Based Office Support Systems; Storage And Retrieval Of Voice Information; Voice Information In On-Line ""Documents""
  • The Convergence of Voice And Computer ConferencingVoice Input; References; PART II: TECHNOLOGICAL IMPERATIVES; Chapter II. 1
  • Underlying Technology; Introduction; General Background; Underlying Technology; Large Scale Integration; The Mechanics of Large Scale Integration; The Economics of Volume Production; Storage Systems; The CCD vs. the Bubble; The Floppy Disk; Input/Output Systems; Chapter II. 2
  • The Revolution
  • Communications; Introduction; Communications Technology
  • National and International; Local Communications; Summary; Total Systems; The Future; Future Shock
  • Chapter II. 3
  • The Case for Distributed Processing