Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Second-order moments of a stationary Markov chain and some applications / T.W. Anderson
  • A "dynamic" proof of the Frobenius-Perron theorem for Metzler matrices / Kenneth J. Arrow
  • Selberg's second beta integral and an integral of Mehta / Richard Askey and Donald Richards
  • Exponentiality of the local time at hitting times for reflecting diffusions and an application / K.B. Athreya and A.P.N. Weerasinghe
  • A normal approximation for the number of local maxima of a random function on a graph / P. Baldi, Y. Rinott, and C. Stein
  • Operator solution of infinite G [delta] games of imperfect information / David Blackwell
  • Smoothed limit theorems for equilibrium processes / Peter W. Glynn and Donald L. Iglehart
  • Supercritical branching processes with countably many types and the size of random Cantor sets / Harry Kesten.
  • Maxima of random quadratic forms on a simplex / J.F.C. Kingman
  • Total positivity and renewal theory / Thomas M. Liggett
  • Some remarks on nonnegative polynomials on polyhedra / Charles A. Micchelli and Allan Pinkus
  • The fundamental period of the queue with Markov-modulated arrivals / M.F. Neuts
  • Some remarks on a limiting diffusion for decomposable branching processes / Peter Ney
  • Some results on repeated risktaking / John W. Pratt
  • The rate of escape problem for a class of random walks / William E. Pruitt
  • Recent advances on the integrated Cauchy functional equation and related results in applied probability / C. Radhakrishna Rao and D.N. Shanbhag
  • A note on maximum entropy / Murray Rosenblatt
  • The various linear fractional L�evy motions / G. Samorodnitsky and M.S. Taqqu.
  • Bonferroni-type probability bounds as an application of the theory of Tchebycheff systems / Stephen M. Samuels and William J. Studden
  • The [formula] law and repeated risktaking / Paul A. Samuelson
  • A theorem in search of a simple proof / Herbert E. Scarf
  • Grade of membership representations : concepts and problems / Burton Singer
  • Uniform error bounds involving logspline models / Charles J. Stone
  • An alternative to C[subscript p] model selection that emphasizes the quality of coefficient estimation / Roy E. Welsch.