Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Origin of the atmosphere : history of the release of volatiles from the solid earth / James C.G. Walker
  • Early precambrian weathering and sedimentation : an impressionistic view / Raymond Siever
  • Very old (>100 million years) rocks in North America / R. Hurst, J. Farhat, and G. Wetherill
  • Three arguments for continual evolution of sial throughout geologic time / John J.W. Rogers
  • Archean geology and evidence of ancient life in the slave structural province, Canada / John B. Henderson
  • Carbon contents of early Precambrian rocks / Carleton B. Moore and Donna Welch
  • Condensed phosphates from abiotic systems in nature / E.J. Griffith
  • Hydrocarbons and fatty acids in oil shale or Permian irati formation, Brazil / D.W. Nooner and J. Oro
  • The stable isotopes of hydrogen in the hydrogen in Precambrian organic matter / thomas C. Hoering
  • Eveolution of the terrestrial oxygen budget / Manfred Schidlowski and Rudolf Eichmann
  • Evidences of Archean life / J. William Schopf
  • Earliest evidence of fossil eucaryotes / J. William Schopf
  • Paleobiology of stromatolites / Stanley M. Awramik
  • Natural mechanisms of protection of a blue-green alga against ultraviolet light / Mitchell Rambler, Lynn Margulis, and Elso S. Barghoorn
  • Kakabekia, a review of its physiological and environmental features and their relation to its possible ancient affinities / Barbara Z. Siegel
  • A discussion of biogenicity criteria in a geological context with examples from a very old greenstone belt, a Late Precambrian deformed zone, and tectonized Phanoerozoic rocks / M.D. Muir [and others]
  • Synthetic organic microstructures as model systems for early protobionts / Claire Folso
  • Comparison of laboratory silicified blue-green algae with Precambrian microorganisms / S. Francis [and others]
  • Eoastrion and the metallogenium problsm / Elso S. Barghoorn
  • Evolution of mitosis and the late appearance of metazoa, metaphyta, and fungi / L. Margulis
  • Iron-sulfur proteins and superoxide dimutases in the evolution of photosynthetic bacteria and alage / C.O. Hall, J. Lumsden. and E. Tel-Or
  • Low oxygen levels and the palmitol CoA desturase of yeast : relation to primitive biological evolution / Nancy Symmes Whitaker and Harold P. Klein.